After month of in depth research by Dr. Shay Hershkovitz and myself, examining what makes expert crowd-sourcing work (and fail), I'm super proud to present and publish out findings at the Ivey Bussiness Journal.
In order to gain out insights we researched Wikistrat’s community of almost 3,000 experts from various fields of expertise who collaborate in real time on a virtual platform with the purpose of creating new knowledge. Responsible for motivating contributions from online communities of experts, we wanted to know what drives experts to participate and contribute under the umbrella of VCoPs (virtual communities of practice), and what prevents them from doing so. Our 5 key findings: 1. Topics & Types of Interactions Motivate Experts 2. New Ideas are a Major Driving Force 3. Self-sense of Value is Key 4. Time is of the Essence 5. It isn’t Only About Millennials Read more here
When interviewing for a job (a while ago) I almost didn't get the role due to the fact that my career path wasn't "linear" - I was a spokesperson in the military, then managed tech. and social accelerators, later moving to the consulting world while writing a thesis on territorial conflict and behavioral economics.
But, the truth is, my generation's attrition rate is somewhere between 18-24 months. Many of us switch not only between jobs, but also between fields of occupation. Many of us work jobs we that didn't even exist and some will have future job titles they can't even imagine. The problem is - our global education systems are mostly linear. This lacuna has recently been tackled by as they set to make "learning a lifelong habit by designing a learning experience so engaging it's addictive." Becoming a Jolt member means can learn practical skills from top-tier experts while networking with your peers. That's why I'm super exited to be a COJI - a curator at the Jolt TLV micro- campus, leading the journey: Insight to Behavior. As of December I'm going to spend my Monday nights learning from the brightest minds about the behaviorist elements behind strategy, design, business developments etc. Yalla, join me: |
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August 2021
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